edited by: Lea Stöver, Mathias Fiedler, Margaux Jeanne Erdmann, Anna Schäfer, Laura Stonies, Susanne Klenke, Laura Lamping, Lisa Szepan, Nora Kühnert, Anne Patscheider, Svetlana Stojanovic
academic editorship: Dr. Gerda Heck, Prof. Dr. Sabine Hess (Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany)
copy editing: Nisha Gamgee, Hanna Leister
webdesign: Malte-Levin Behrens
graphics: Dave Tkaczyk, Margaux Jeanne Erdmann
mapping: Lea Stöver, Mathias Fiedler
contact: kaee(at)
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